day of the dead (SF Mission), 2023

So, I was getting ready to leave to go to chicago, texted Kawan to see if he was going to drink and draw, and he said, no, I’m going to miss it tonight, it’s Day of The Dead in the city. I was instantly like, I should go and photograph that, even though I hadn’t packed and leave for chicago the next day. Yeah, these photos happened before the ones it the last post.

So I got to the mission about 7, 7:30, and start walking south on Valencia. I don’t really see much until I get to close to the 24th street BART station. I came to the tail end of a parade, there was a group of dancers (next photo).

Then I followed the crowds down 24th st, towards the park where there were other things still happening; art and live music and ofrendas (altars with pictures and other things that remind us of the dead, usually specific people). Food and flowers and pictures, candles and other lights.

Then I ran around a bunch and took the rest of the pictures here.

Posted by Matt on 2024-03-08T02:44:03Z GMT
