There was an event I wanted to go to on a Saturday down in Little Armenia, we didn’t have anything else going, so I booked a hotel near the thing and we drove down saturday, went to the event, and came back on sunday. What was the event? Who knows, I didn’t take any pictures there (it was a Q&A for this project by Anush Babajanyan). Anyway, the clouds both ways were spectacular. The second day the whole day we were chasing rainbows.
A lot of people hate the 5 because it’s boring and long and there’s nothing to see but farms for a couple hundred miles. I understand that perspective because I also have felt that way at times. I think it’s actually a very interesting road once you look at it the right way, though. The interaction of the mountains either side of the central valley, the textures and shapes, all that green… Really what’s not to like besides five hours in the car?
Of course, the weather isn’t always benign; I’ve definitely come over these same passes in bumper-to-bumper traffic which is a different kind of misery. I don’t think that’s the road’s fault though.