oregon coast, 2021

something like october 2021? I know, I know. I was looking through my collections in Lightroom and realized I may not have ever published these? I wish I had an image search that was just for stuff I’ve published here. Anyway.

This trip was a weird low point for me; I’m pretty sure I’d started at [REDACTED] and kinda hated my life. I had a gout flare while we were there, which didn’t help anything. I think I was still on a lower dose of the Allopurinol. So I probably had the kind of shame spiral about the photos from this trip that I did about other things, just had a lot of bad feelings around them and never got to giving them a proper edit.

These are all my in-laws, the Lewis clan. A fun bunch. Even though it was rainy, we had a good time; sat around and played card games, walked to the ocean, all that. Went for a drive before the gout set in, that’s where all the moody seashore pictures are from. I think I tripped and fell at one point, and that was what set off the flare. I don’t remember but I might’ve spent a whole day of the trip in bed? That sounds crazy but it is the kind of thing I did when I was having flare ups often. Haven’t had one in quite a while, fingers crossed.

Even with that, it was still a nice trip. Nice airbnb, good company, good food. Had to be wheeled through the terminal on the way home, but I did buy another Pendleton cardigan (turns out they’re made in china now, unfortunately).

This may be too many pictures of a brooding coastline, but I didn’t have time or energy to pick between what’s here. This is only half of what was in the looser edit, at least.

Posted by Matt on 2023-12-15T10:58:09Z GMT
