pke august 2021

dang it’s been a long time. PKE (Phixed Kings Expeditions) is cool but somehow I only make it out to one once every other year or so. buncha kids who get out of bed early on a saturday or sunday and go ride 60 or 70 (sometimes 100!) miles. This one was pretty flat but I still ended up dropping and getting to the end like half an hour after everyone. I’m moderately cursed, I’ve been to two or three of them but always the morning of I can’t find some important article of bike gear. This time it was my shoes. Rode clipless pedals in street shoes for like 65 miles.

Like their name suggests, they’re mostly fixed gear riders, which I respect, but I can’t keep up on my fixie; this ride I think I had the gravel bike. The only reason I ride a gravel bike is I like squishy tires. This was a fun ride but by the end I could barely sit on my saddle. Somehow I’m always doing things I’m not in shape for.

Anyway. Not a ton to say. Eighteen months ago? I’ll do something recent next, promise.

Posted on 2023-02-20T09:12:16Z GMT

LP Giobbi (with coco and breezy) last april

These photos were the result of being in the right place at the right time. My neighbor Lauren was producing this tour and this was the last show. I think that was her role; the music world is a mystery to me, especially how the business side gets done, but she was running the show. We had met in the months (Years? God time is weird) prior, and had neighborly drinks in her back yard a couple times. Lauren knew I was a photographer, and so when her photog bailed at the last minute, she asked if I wanted to come shoot. Free house show in the city, with an all access pass, put on by one of the coolest people I know? Say less, as the kids say.

There was an opener, Coco and Breezy, but apart from the first pic, I didn’t get a ton of good shots of them. I was mainly there for the headliner, LP Giobbi. I shot for basically her whole set. Up and down the stairs, moving around the stage, doing the whole thing. Two cameras, the Nikon with the 24-120 and the Leica, shooting away for a couple hours. I think I took a cigar break in the middle, went outside and burned one, sat and rested my knees. I am not a kid, and my body makes sure I know it.

Lauren and LP also co-founded a non-profit, Femme House, which is worth mentioning because I think this show was a Femme House show. (Edit to add: pretty sure it was).

FEMME HOUSE fosters more equitable opportunity for women and gender-expansive individuals in the technical and behind the scenes areas of music. We are creating the future producers, mixers, engineers, DJs, artists, and executives of the industry by providing education and scholarships, cultivating community, propagating visual representation, and offering professional development opportunities.

It reminds me a bit of ElixirBridge, which was all about bringing in underrepresented groups into my industry, also through free classes. Femme House is way cooler and has a better web site, but I digress. Anyway.

I did make a classic blunder with these, in that the tour manager (not Lauren, some dude) asked for 50 photos, and I dutifully made an edit of approximately 50 photos (out of about 600 exposures). They were all passable, but really there are only so many photos you can get of someone performing; any more and I’m repeating myself and muddying the record with lesser pictures. The 9 here is probably the edit I should have sent, maybe 15 or 20 max.

I sent them 5o, unfortunately, and I never heard anything and never saw them get used even for a social post. I didn’t feel great about it at the time, not because I recognized my mistake, but because I thought they didn’t like the pictures. I spent the last ten months or so thinking, oh well, screwed the pooch on that one, I guess those photos weren’t any good. Then last night I figured the time had come to look at them and see if I could salvage anything for a blog post. I don’t care what they think: I fucking killed it on this one.

It’s also possible that because this was the last stop on the tour that these photos just didn’t matter or get looked at at all. Maybe they’re vastly different from the visual style of the other tour photos and so didn’t get used; I didn’t have time to look for any of the tour press at the time so I have no idea if these work with the rest. Could be a lot of things. Lauren moved away coincidentally around then and we haven’t had backyard whiskeys since, so I may never know. At least now, through the magic of blogging, these get to be seen.

Posted on 2023-02-16T10:10:11Z GMT

photos from after a ball game 2021

I took these one evening after a ball game my then current employer had taken us all to, “us all” being like four or five people? Giants won if I recall correctly. I think we walked all the way to Rickhouse? Anyway. There were drinks. A good time was had. It all came crashing down a few weeks later when they fired me out of the blue, just as I was getting some traction with typescript. Like I said, 2021 was a rough one.

Just pushing publish, trying not to second guess myself too much.

Posted on 2023-02-14T07:19:18Z GMT

how long will it take

The photos in this post, by the way, are completely unrelated to the text except that I took them at the beginning of September, four months ago, and I’m just now posting them. They’re from ElixirConf, in Denver for 2022. This one: leaving Oakland, with Mount Tam just visible in the distance.

I’ve talked about making stuff in the past but something that’s always confounded me is just how long it takes to get anything done. If I had to define a process for ‘how to make anything’, it’d look something like this:

  1. design the shape of the thing
  2. figure out the parts you’ll need to make the thing
  3. buy the parts you can, make what you can’t
  4. assemble the parts into the thing

Anyone who’s made stuff knows that any one of these steps can take an unlimited amount of time. And step three is actually fractal; any given part can be made up of its own parts. In my bags, usually there’s a complex front piece that has pockets, and organizers in those pockets; the organizers are made of of several pieces of fabric in turn, et cetera.

On the way to the conference hotel, there was a random sandstorm. Didn’t happen again, but probably helped the sunsets.

Anyway, I’m what’s known as a chaos muppet. Think Fozzie the bear versus Bert or Animal versus Kermit. It could be the ADHD, or it could just be me (the fuzzy line between disorder and personality is a different essay). And I’ve always thought I paid some penalties for that, in terms of getting stuff done. Like, if only I was organized, I would be able to just move through the steps in an orderly fashion, and turn out finished products (bags, photos, blog posts, what have you) by rote, no problem.

One of the things I love about youtube is some real geniuses of different trades have channels and produce videos about making stuff. There’s folks like Quinn Dunki machining on home setups not dissimilar to my studio, all the way up to big production shops like Adam Booth. Some are explicitly instructional, like Ron Covell (he of the metalworking books, his channel is Bob Ross for sheet metal I swear), and some are more ‘this is what we’re doing in the shop’ but with enough detail that if you’re conversant you can figure out how to reproduce what they do.

I took a version of this picture every day; this was the best one.

Paul Brodie is one of the latter. Just a really excellent fabricator, who had a business building custom bike frames, was apparently renowned for such, and is now in retirement up in Canada, doing one off custom work on bikes and motorcycles. “Build whole engines from scratch” levels of fabrication. Brodie’s shop is immaculate, organized to a T. He’s the picture of an order muppet, and he has every tool he could want at his disposal. Lathe and mill and all sorts of jigs accumulated over years of making things out of metal; TIG and MIG welders, as well as Oxy/Acetalene torch equipment, and plenty of material in his stock racks. It’s not a huge shop, but plenty of space to do the work he does.

He recently posted a video of making a fender mount for a rare Honda race bike. Well, it was a kit bike that was raced or something, that part doesn’t matter. The fender mount was a single piece of sheet aluminum, bent in a big radius to go around the tire, plus some smaller bits of tubing with little welded bosses to make it meet with the mounting points. At the end of the video, he had a little bit where he was like, “Guess how long it took me to make this?” because it was a client project, he had tracked his hours.

My initial guess was 8 hours. Not only is he in a good shop, but he’s old, and contrary to what you might think, older craftsmen move faster. There’s an economy of movement and lack of going down wrong paths that means they don’t have to like, redo work or stand and think about the order of assembly or anything, it’s just ‘the way it worked last time’ to do any given task. The big reveal, at least to me, was that it took him 19 hours to build this one fender mount. So I guess I should just take it easy on myself. How long will it take? As long as it needs.

Posted on 2023-02-05T09:20:19Z GMT

new year's eve 2023

So this is from the second party of our new year’s. We had a couple friends over earlier in the evening, and those pictures may or may not be on the other camera, but I downloaded these first. The friends party was over and we were supposed to be getting in bed because there was a morning plane to Albuquerque that we were supposed to be on, and the whole week of adventure after that.

Instead, when Sophie texted our neighbor to wish them a happy new year, they said, we’re having a party, come over. So we did. There was a fire outside and karaoke inside, along with a bunch of potluck dishes, and punch that was mostly booze with sugar to cover it up. It was actually really nice to get to hang out, even though we paid for it the next day.

These are in black and white and still a bit motion blurred, in case you’re wondering, because my little pocket camera was at ISO 8000 and shutter speeds were in the 1/4 to 1/2 second range. I’m good at hand-holding but I can’t make the world be still.

Posted on 2023-02-03T00:17:12Z GMT