Finally, I know where the flats are coming from

Or at least some of them. It’s a bad idea to leave your bike in a hot car- heat raises pressure and softens rubber, and then before you know it, you’ve had 10 flats in just a few weeks. And it’s always a bummer to go out to get your wheels for a ride and find flats.

Last night was a typical monday- blue note pool, tommy g night ride, but with a couple bonuses. Ran into some people who told me rumors of photo work, so that’s pretty awesome. Also: Alibi’s, which I’d never been to before last night, has $3 bottomless cups of beer. It’s shitty light beer, but it will make drunkface just fine.

Meet Tasha. Cool chick. I fixed her bike a little. And by fixed her bike, you know what I mean. Flat tire, of course.

So, after some drinking, it was time to ride and work off the beer. We got about a mile, and then I had a blowout. My guess is my rim strip already had a hole from the first blowout of the night, which happened in my car before the evening started. So, I had to sit around and wait for some one to go grab my car, and then we made a walmart run for more tubes, and then the ride was back on.

self, tasha. Tommy needs his own camera, he’s got a good eye.Photos

By the time we were actually riding, it was 3:30am. We did a couple parking garages, a little bricktown, I skidded the ramp in front of the theater (it’s a really long ass ramp, ~100 yards), and the freewheel riding dudes (tommy and lem) I was with didn’t care.

“Wouldn’t it be cool to climb that fire escape,” Tommy said. “Except for the fall and die part,” I said.Photos



Posted by Matt on 2009-05-12T00:00:00Z GMT
