There are a bunch of street photos still to edit, and a nice post about silly tourists, but these needed to go somewhere and the mental energy required to edit 25 photos down to 10 was not a thing I had, so here are these, which were much easier to bring to press. Have a nice day.
<img src=’'t_fit_in_to_neat_boxes_but_i_liked_anyway/635/0001.jpg’ /> <img src=’'t_fit_in_to_neat_boxes_but_i_liked_anyway/635/0002.jpg’ /> <img src=’'t_fit_in_to_neat_boxes_but_i_liked_anyway/635/0003.jpg’ /> <img src=’'t_fit_in_to_neat_boxes_but_i_liked_anyway/635/0004.jpg’ /> <img src=’'t_fit_in_to_neat_boxes_but_i_liked_anyway/635/0005.jpg’ /> <img src=’'t_fit_in_to_neat_boxes_but_i_liked_anyway/635/0006.jpg’ />